Library & Information Centre
SNPSU Library and Information Centre occupies a place of pride in SNPSU Campus and is an essential component of the College’s outstanding research and education mission. It is a most lively place on the campus providing a safe, comfortable and friendly environment that enables learning and advancement of knowledge, and promotes discovery and scholarship.
The mission of the Library and Information Centre is to facilitate creation of new knowledge through acquisition, organization and dissemination of knowledge resources and providing for value added services.
The Library and Information Centre spanning a total area of 724 sq.m combining aesthetics with utility, the Library and Information Centre houses about 30000 books. The Library also subscribed to online e-resources through VTU Consotium, DELNET database, NDL Membership, E-shodhasindhu membership.
The Library and Information Centre comes with provision for modern facilities including Digital Library, Library Automation, Stock Section, Reference Section, Issue Section with advanced computers and other peripherals.
Reprography facility is available to enable readers to take photocopies at very reasonable rate.
The Library having reading space of 200 seating capacity.
The Library is fully automated with “E-Granthalaya” software and
Digital Library service is also Provided using “DSpace” digital Library software.
Contact No:+91-08892277980/9480114159