1st International Conference

21st & 22nd March 2025
#14/5, Chikkasandra, Hesarghatta Main Road, Bengaluru – 560057


School of Engineering & Technology

The major key to the nation’s prosperity and security during a international knowledge-driven economy can be its leadership in technology and innovation. Graduated engineers should prove their worthiness by demonstrating innovative, result oriented and conceptual solutions which can be universally recognised and demanded. Nowadays only good scores or creativity is not enough to sustain the techno entrepreneurial explosion. In Sapthagiri NPS University ably trained to carry out much broader multi disciplinary teaching and the engineers keep the entire world going with their relentless effort toward building ‘something new’, using innovation, creativity and an abundance of knowledge. The University also train engineers in non- technical areas, such as soft skills, critical thinking and creativity.

Additionally the engineering industry has observed a decline in the quality of engineering students. The most common terms are hard working, being good in academics, submitting work on time, being regular, participating in class activities and achieving high grades, etc. However, these qualities do not guarantee success in becoming a good engineer. The engineering industry has reflected that many of the current engineers lack risk management skill, and that the skills learned in engineering institutions cannot fully satisfy the requirements needed to practise engineering in the industry.

But in Sapthagiri NPS University, all these factors are take care with sincerity and humility and the educators in the University have changed their teaching approach. Instead of the usual practise of praising students only when they achieve the correct answers, our educators acknowledge the learning that comes from incorrect answers. The faculty should value failure, conduct analysis on previous experience and develop technologies or methods to prevent the same from happening again and have shifted from knowledge based curriculum to skill based curriculum.

We have collaborated within foreign Universities for exchange programs where exposure to the foreign land would enhance the technical and managerial knowledge. Several modern technologies are applied in industries, a few of them are artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, block chain technology, 3D printing/scanning, manufacturing automation, internet of things (IOT), virtual and augmented reality, data science, network and information security, entrepreneurship and enterprise development, project management etc. We engage students more in its processes than in its products and recognise its focus on student competency based learning.

In our University we concentrate on promoting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and practice the eight practises proposed by the National Research Council. They are defining problems, developing and using models, planning and carrying out investigations, analysing and interpreting data, using mathematics and computational thinking, designing solutions, engaging in argument from evidence, obtaining, evaluating and communicating information. We have internship mandatory, from three months to a full year.